סילבוס למבוא לפיסיקה מודרנית: הבדלים בין גרסאות בדף

מתוך Math-Wiki
(יצירת דף עם התוכן "חזרה 1. GALILEAN TRANSFORMATIONS Events and coordinates. Galilean coordinate and velocity transformation...")
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שורה 1: שורה 1:
[[מבוא לפיסיקה מודרנית תשע"גֻ|חזרה]]
[[מבוא לפיסיקה מודרנית תשע"ג|חזרה]]


גרסה אחרונה מ־00:01, 3 בפברואר 2013


1. GALILEAN TRANSFORMATIONS Events and coordinates. Galilean coordinate and velocity transformations (reminder).

2. SPEED OF LIGHT Short historical survey: from Galileo to Maxwell, from Maxwell to Einstein. Absolute space and the Ether. The Michelson-Morley experiment. Length and time measurements. The constancy of the speed of light. The postulates of Einstein

3. THE LORENTZ COORDINATE TRANSFORMATIONS The invariance of Maxwell's equations. Simultaneity. Relativistic length contraction. Relativistic time dilation. Relativistic space-time measurements. Relativistic velocity transformations. The relativistic Doppler effect.

4. MASS, ENERGY, AND MOMENTUM IN RELATIVITY The need to redefine classical momentum. The variation of mass with velocity. Newton's second law in relativity. Einstein mass and energy relationship. Momentum and energy relationship. The Lorenz transformations for energy and momentum.

5. THE QUANTUM THEORY OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION AND MATTER Short historical survey. Orders of magnitude in microscopic physics. De Broglie waves. Experimental verification of De Broglie's hypothesis. Interference and diffraction of matter. General view on quantization.

6. HYDROGEN-LIKE ATOMS The Hydrogen spectrum. The Rutherford experiment. The Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom. Quantization of orbital angular momentum.

7. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION The theory of photons. The photoelectric effect. The Compton effect. Pair production and annihilation. Absorption of photons.