Algebra seminar plan

מתוך Math-Wiki

Bar Ilan algebra seminar

See the seminar website for the authoritative information and list of past talks.

סמסטר א' תשע"ג:

  • 24/10
  • 31/10
  • 7/11 - (2 talks, Guterman and his wife; not finalized)
  • 14/11
  • 21/11
  • 28/11
  • 5/12
  • 12/12 (Hanuka)
  • 19/12
  • 26/12 - Makar-Limanov (not finalized yet)
  • 2/1
  • 9/1
  • 16/1

סמסטר ב' תשע"ג:

  • 27/2
  • 6/3
  • 13/3
  • 20/3
  • 3/4
  • 10/4
  • 17/4
  • 24/4
  • 1/5
  • 22/5
  • 29/5
  • 5/6
  • 12/6
  • 19/6

During the year:

  1. Michael Schein (tentative)
  2. Gidi Amir
  3. Uriya;
  4. Arno Fehm - July, or Sept.-Oct.
  5. Belov's guest Jietai Yu, מתוכנן לבקר 1 בינואר עד 31 במרץ 2013.