
Algebra seminar plan

הוסרו 28 בתים, 20:18, 31 באוקטובר 2011
סמסטר א' תשע"ב:
* 1/2 (final for sem A)* 25/1Uzi Vishne (tentative)
* 18/1 Sara Westreich (date unconfirmed)
* 11/1 Uzi Vishne Michael Schein (tentative)
* 4/1 Dmitry Kerner (confirmed)
* 28/12 Michael Schein Lior Bary-Soroker (tentativewaiting for his confirmation)
* 21/12 Uri Onn (uncofirmed)
* 14/12 Ami Braun (unconfirmed)
* 9/11 Eli Aljadeff
* 2/11 Gasarch lecture IV <math>\ \surd</math>
Have agreed to talk: Lior Bary-Soroker (not on the 16/11).