
Counter Ring

נוספו 2,267 בתים, 20:01, 19 במרץ 2016
First draft
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'''Counter Ring''' is the (temporary) name of a community-based project, whose purpose is to collect, maintain, and even construct counterexamples in the theory of rings.

== What is this project about ==

Hundreds or even thousands of properties of rings were studied within Ring Theory. Sometimes it is known that every ring with properties A,B,C is D as well; sometimes the problem is still open; and very often, it was settled down long ago by a clever counterexample which is only known to a handful of experts.

The main goal of this project is to collect non-trivial examples and present them in a reasonably-easy to search manner.

== How do I join? ==

Contributing is simple:
1. Open an account ("פתח חשבון")
2. Start working (edit by pressing "עריכה")

The website has some (though limited) TeX support. Use codes like <nowiki><math>M_n(F[x])</math></nowiki> to generate <math>M_n(F[x])</math>, etc.

== About the website ==

The project runs on a Wiki-line platform, currently hosted on "math-wiki", which was created by Erez Scheiner, mostly for the students at the mathematics department at Bar Ilan University. Hence the Hebrew user interface and some awkward left-to-right issues.

At some point we'll move to our own server.

== What goes where ==

The project has two main parts:
* '''Examples'''. Examples should be precisely described. If the details are not easy to verify, please include a reference to the literature. The material will be organized into chapters and sections as it accumulates.
* '''Queries'''. Is every finitely generated nil algebra necessarily nilpotent? If there are examples you think the project should cover, list them here.
General comments can be posed in the talk page associated with this page ("שיחה"). For technical questions, email Uzi Vishne (vishne at math.biu.ac.il).

== Examples ==

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* '''A ring which is not commutative''': <math>M_n(\mathbb{Q})</math>.
* '''An infinite ring, all of whose quotients are finite''': <math>\mathbb{Z}</math>.
* '''A Euclidean integral domain, quadratic over the integers, whose standard norm is not Euclidean''': <math>{\mathbb{Z}}[\sqrt{14}]</math>.

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