
קפיצה אל: ניווט, חיפוש

Algebra seminar plan

נוספו 82 בתים, 11:43, 19 בדצמבר 2011
* 28/12 (Chanuka) Yuri Zarhin from Penn State University, on "Abelian varieties with and without homotheties" (finalize with Tanya); + Lenny Makar-Limanov + Sufganiot.
* 21/12 Uri Onn (cofirmed)
* 14/12 Ami Braun (confirmed)<math>\ \surd</math>* 7/12 Sivatski - 2/2<math>\ \surd</math>* 30/11 Sivatski - 1/2<math>\ \surd</math>
* 23/11 Rowen on quivers <math>\ \surd</math>
* 16/11 Claude Marion <math>\ \surd</math>
Next semester: Uzi Vishne, Ahuva Shkop (last contact: Uzi); Gidi Amir (last contact: Uzi);