
קפיצה אל: ניווט, חיפוש


נוספו 188 בתים, 11:30, 9 בנובמבר 2018
* Bar-Ilan University's address is: Max and Anna Webb street, Ramat Gan, 5290002, Israel.
* The [Signal Messenger https://www.signal.org/] app allows to send messages and make Voice/Video chats over IP.
* [http://www.hadar-ltd.co.il/orders/order2.htm Taxi to the airport]
* [http://www.biu.ac.il/Tour/campus-map.pdf Campus map].  * The main entrance to the campus is split into two: Gate #1 for cars, and Gate #2 for pedestrians * On sabbath (which starts late Friday), Gate #2 may be closed, in which case pedestrians enter through Gate #1
* The main entrance to the campus mathematics department is split into two: Gate at building #1 for cars, and Gate #2 for pedestrians. On sabbath (which starts late Friday), Gate #2 may be closed, in which case pedestrians enter through Gate #1.216
* The mathematics department is dorms are at building #216. 506
* The dorms are at building #506. The dorms management are at building #108.Their phone number is 03-7364865/6/7
* The campus has an open wifi network
* [https://www1.biu.ac.il/utilities On-campus utilities] (bank/post office/grocery store/etc')